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Woman posts on FB picture of son inside washing machine, sparks outrage

An article from the Daily Record shared about a woman identified as Courtney Stewart, who found it hard to believe the ordeal she went through after she posted a picture that was believed by her as a game but had gain lots of criticism from the viewing public.

Retelling what had transpired during photo shoot, she said, “He loves the washing machine. We took a picture and it was a laugh.”

In the Daily Record interview with Stewart, she said that the boy, who is small for his age, climbed into the machine of his own accord.

Apparently, she uploaded the picture on her Facebook account and it was seen by neighbors. She was also reported to the police and was taken in for questioning, the report said.

Neighbors were alarmed after they saw the ‘image inside a washing machine’ with an adult’s hand holding the door.

One commented, “it was terrible to look at.”

Describing the feeling, the neighbor continued, “For anyone, let alone someone who is also a parent, to take a picture like that and stick it on Facebook for a laugh is unbelievable.”

Adding to it the concerned citizen said, ” no wonder people are angry about it.”

“People in the town have been talking about it, because anyone who has seen it has been left shocked,” came the reaction.

The picture appeared on Facebook on Thursday, July 13, 2015, was put down after a police came over to the Stewart home and questioned the mother for more than an hour.

It was also disclosed that not only was she called a “scumbag and a nutter”, but she was also assaulted in her home as a result of anger over the picture.

Stewart gave her side condemning those who reported her to the police.

She also emphasized that one should look at the boy’s reaction, “He is clearly laughing in the pictures. So I don’t understand why somebody took that picture as – well, I don’t know what they took it as.”

Explaining further she said, “He’s got a bit of a washing obsession. Anyone who knows him would know he’s got a washing obsession.I don’t know who reported it. I don’t really know why they would do that. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous.”

She was also angry at the person who reported her to the police and was frustrated not being able to identify the person; as she said that “They shouldn’t be able to call the police anonymously. The police know who it was and I don’t think it’s at all fair that they can’t tell me.”

The report also shared taking her reaction on the police questioning, she said, “It’s horrible having the police at the door thinking you’re a bad person. I was shocked, but in a sense I’m glad they didn’t just take it as a joke and not come and see me. So I was thankful in that way. A male and a female officer were here asking me questions for more than an hour.”

Stewart also stood firm that there was no way the boy could have come to harm in the machine. She said the machine was unplugged because she is planning to get a new one.

As a final word: Be careful of what you post.