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Coming soon? Inexpensive eye drops that could reduce cataracts

It was disclosed in the report that scientists have discovered a chemical that could somehow reduce the cloudy patches that develop in the eyes’ lens which cause blurred vision or total blindness if left untreated.

Cataracts are the main cause of blindness in the world; affecting the vision of more than half of elderly people. There is currently no drug to prevent or reverse the forming of cataracts that cloud the eyes.

Cataracts occur when proteins in the eye’s lens clump together; turning the eye cloudy.

The only treatment available today is surgery, which involves the use of laser or scalpel in making an incision to the cornea and removing the contents of the lens capsule. Sometimes, doctors insert an artificial lens.

Although most operations involved in removing cataracts are successful, complications may occur. It may lead to a minor eye inflammation or vision loss.

Scientists and ophthalmologists in the University of California found that the chemical lanosterol, which is naturally present in healthy eyes, can dissolve clumps that cloud the eyes.

Eye specialist Dr. Kang Zhang came up with the idea for the eye drops after treating two children with cataracts. He found out that the children carried a mutation that stopped their bodies from producing lanosterol.

He thought that since lanosterol occurs naturally in the human eye, it could be safe to use as a drug.

The lanosterol eye drops was first used in aging dogs and rabbits that, like humans, develop cataracts as they aged. Rabbits with cataracts were also treated with lanosterol. Within weeks, the animals’ vision improved.

Dr. Zhang said he hopes to start clinical trials on humans in one to two years.