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Mom Adopts Her Deceased Best Friend’s Four Daughters

Laura Ruffino and Elizabeth Diamond have been friends since they were in elementary school.

They grew up together; when people say family is what you make it, they’re talking about Laura and Elizabeth.

Tragically, in August 2014, Elizabeth was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer.

“As she started to weaken you can imagine the fears that I had for the girls and being without her,” Laura said.

When Elizabeth became ill, she asked Laura to do the one thing that we all hope someone would do for us if we were to die:

“She said if anything ever happens to me I want you to take my girls and I instantly said ok,” Laura Ruffino told 7 Eyewitness News.

Then, in 2015, it happened. Elizabeth succumbed to her illness and left behind her four daughters.

Surrogate parents can’t replace the people who raised us, but they can be a guiding light. Another woman, Mary Johnson, adopted the man who murdered her son and together they found hope in darkness.

But Laura wasn’t a fair weather friend. She kept up her part of the bargain. Laura and her husband Rico promptly adopted the four girls, who became sisters to their own four girls.

“Ten years ago I didn’t think this would be my life. But if something gets thrown at you just accept the challenge and do the best you can,” Rico said.

The family is adjusting to their new situation but the girls are getting along famously!

See the story below and SHARE if you wish you had a friend like Laura!