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Hero Teen Saves Woman Shot Twice By Her Boyfriend

This past New Year’s Day, 18-year-old Caleb Martin got off his shift at McDonald’s an hour earlier than usual. On his way home, Caleb spotted what he thought was a drunk driver swerving down the winding Tennessee road. The car was headed straight for a woman standing in the middle of the street. Caleb, to his horror, realized the driver was trying to hit her. He tried to catch the driver’s attention, but instead the driver hit her into the guardrail.

The driver saw Caleb and sped away. Caleb helped the woman into his car while dialing 911. That’s when he learned the shocking truth. 29-year-old Jenna had been shot twice by her boyfriend inside the car. When Jenna jumped out to escape, her boyfriend circled back and hit her, knocking her over the guard rail.

In the daunting 911 call below you can hear Caleb comforting Jenna, reassuring her that she would make it. All while driving, he spoke with the dispatcher in one hand and applied pressure to her wounds in the other. “You will not die,” he tells her. “I got you.”

Caleb drove Jenna to his grandparent’s house nearby. Inside, he stayed on the phone with 911 and continued to clean and dress her wounds. Finally, rescue teams arrived and took Jenna to the hospital where she eventually recovered. Officers found her boyfriend dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Jenna kept calling Caleb an angel who’d been sent to save her life. After the nightmare was over, he couldn’t help but remember that he left work an hour early that fateful day. This unlikely hero was right where he was supposed to be.

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