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Mark Zuckerberg confirms 'dislike' button is coming to Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg confirms that Facebook's 'dislike' button is on the way and has been in development for quite some time

With numerous fan pages and change.org petitions launched over the years in order to bring a 'dislike' button to Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has finally confirmed that one is on the way. Reportedly in development for quite some time, a Q&A session saw Zuckerberg state that the delay in implementing this feature was based around concerns of like and dislike wars between members.

However, what happens if your friend posts a status confirming that a loved one has passed away, or that their car has been stolen? When 'likes' are no longer appropriate, Zuckerberg says that the dislike button shall be there in order to show empathy.   Set to launch 'in the near future', some people have concerns that this new roll out will allow further cyber bullying of at-risk individuals.