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League of Legends HUD Update Fully Live

After two weeks on their live servers, Riot made a bunch of changes to the HUD update based on player feedback ahead of pushing it out to ranked queues alongside patch 5.15. Check out their handy microsite for the full story behind where it all started, but if you’re familiar with the changes made before it went live, and just want to know what’s changed since the new HUD came to non-ranked queues, then here is the tasty data.

Here’s what’s changed as a result of your feedback and additional iterations since the HUD update debuted in the last patch:


  • New font and styling

  • Larger team frames, meters, and ult timers

  • Full square cooldown indicator

  • New colors differentiating “on cooldown” and “out of mana”

  • Larger stat icons and text

  • Larger Ping and FPS displays

  • Scoreboard now has more padding, larger champ portraits, and larger fonts

  • Added drop shadow to chat

  • Brighter XP bar

  • Larger Summoner spell timers on the scoreboard

  • Active ability events have been changed to gold (level up, toggle, just off cd) to differentiate from unavailable (cooldown, OoM)

Animation and Audio

  • Shortened and pulled back on many animations including “level up”, “just off cooldown”, and toggles

  • Scaled back many audio cues


  • CS, KDA, and Team KDA has rejoined game time in the top right

  • Scoreboard improvements including larger and clearer summoner spell and respawn timers


  • Added colored bonus stats

  • Added cast bars for all abilities other than instant casts

  • Swapped Crit and Attack Range in player stats

  • Mute buttons on the Scoreboard are now always visible

  • Minimap can now be scaled smaller

The Riot team had promised to add the update to ranked in a few days in their last post, but they took extra time to incorporate the changes you read above. Now the HUD is ready to roll out for all queues. As with any changes to the League, Riot will keep iterating and evolving the HUD in the future.
