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8 Life Lessons Learned From Disney Movies

When Disney isn’t spreading the message that women should wait for an ultimately not so great man to rescue them, step mothers are evil, and happily-ever-after is a real thing, it can actually teach us some great lessons! We may have over-looked the following slices of wisdom the first time we watched the movies, but there’s no doubt they’ve left imprints on our hearts. *Walt Disney winks at camera* Here are some of the best lessons Disney movies have engrained upon our young brains!

Your struggles will make you stronger

mulan flower grows adversity quote lesson(source)

If you’re going through a hard time, just remember that in the end it will make you a better person. Like the Chinese Emperor says in Mulan — "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." So whether you’re trying to save China or just get through the next day, know that you are being primed for something amazing. (Or at least you’ll be rare and beautiful?)

Don’t underestimate yourself

inspirational quote disney christopher pooh(source)

No one knows Pooh better than Christopher Robbin! He sees Pooh for who he really is and knows he sometimes lacks confidence (don’t we all). In this scene, Pooh learns that he can accomplish much more than he ever thought possible. And the same goes for you! I’m not going to be here to tell you this every day, so don’t forget how amazing you are!

Embrace your past

the past can hurt learn from it lion king(source)

Simba’s dad died, you guys! Right in front of him! That’s enough to make anyone depressed for the rest of their life. But, like Rafiki said, you can either run from your past or learn from it. The painful things that happen to us don’t need to keep us living in the outskirts of town with a meerkat and a warthog. As hard as it may seem, you have to learn from the past and then move forward.

Be Courageous

disney quote brave life lesson(source)

In Brave, Merida chose to defy tradition and not get married right away. Sure, this led to some complications, but in the end, she listened to her heart. The movie teaches us that we can choose our path and create our own lives once we step into courage. There is absolutely no one who can keep you from becoming the person you want to be!

Never give up

cinderella life lessons keep believing(source)

Ah yes, the classic line from Cinderella. Keep on believing, and the dream will come true! Listen, on the way to your goal, things are gonna be real hard. Your stepsisters will tear up your dress, you’ll have to leave by midnight, and you’ll forget your shoe, but if you let the hard stuff convince you to give up, you’ll never know if you could have actually made it. And, like Cinderella says, if you hold on long enough, it will happen.

Have no limits

disney inspirational quote(source)

Yeah ... so ... a rat wanted to be a great chef so he just went out and did it. Nobody thought that could be a thing, but did Remy let himself be deterred by haters? NO. And you shouldn’t either. I’m sure a lot of you have obstacles in your way, but none of you are rats trying to be successful in a human profession. SO LIVE LIMITLESS!

Just Keep Going!

just keep swimming inspirational quote(source)

Dory may not be the brightest bulb, but she sure gets some things right. Even if you’re not one hundred percent sure where you’re going, it’s important to keep moving! Keep at it, and something will click eventually. Don’t fall into patterns of stagnation. Just keep swimming. (Or writing, or drawing, or whatever it is that you do.)

Love is sacrifice

some people worth melting for disney(source)

Elsa chose to go live by herself in isolation instead of opening up to her sister. Olaf, in contrast, shows love by being willing to basically die for his friend. We all need each other, and sometimes it’s messy and sometimes you get hurt (or melt), but it’s worth it in the end. NOW GO HUG SOMEONE YOU LOVE!


Which quote was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!