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8 Inspirational Quotes from Adventure Time

Ahhh, Adventure Time - one of the strangest yet somehow most addictive cartoons around. While some people view it as a mini acid-trip for their eyes and mind, the show surprisingly has tons of inspirational quotes and good advice. Think of it sort of like Confucius on acid embodied into a swirl of colorful characters.

“Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something” –Jake the Dog

life advice from Adventure Time jake the dog


Jake the Dog is kind of like your uncle who enjoys having one too many beers at the family cookout and ends up passing out in the middle of his karaoke routine. But underneath all the fart jokes and immature lessons lies a good and encouraging heart. Think of him as an outlet of spiritual guidance once you get past all the daft and sarcastic remarks, then put into a small yellow dog’s body. Jake the Dog’s words encourage that one should never give up. He and Rick Astley could probably do some major bonding.

“When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light” –BMO

life advice from Adventure Time bmo darkness


If Jake is like the drunken uncle of the family, then BMO is your small, annoying yet lovable cousin-who is also apparently the next Gandhi. While BMO maybe having a gender identity crisis, (s)he is still able to achieve positive and uplifting words, all the while keeping up an adorable appearance. Such big wise words from such a small box.

“I know who I am and I’ll know what I want if and when it comes along” – Fionna the Human

life advice from Adventure Time fionna


Though Fionna may be from an alternate universe created by another fictional character, her mindset and attitude is still completely intact! It’s good to be reminded that you don’t always have to know what you want in life as long as you know who you are and where you come from. (I don’t know if Fionna could ever truly understand who she actually is since she’s made up by the Ice King’s imagination, but that’s besides the point.)

“People make mistakes. It’s a part of growing up, and you never really stop growing” – Duke of Nuts

life advice from Adventure Time duke of nuts


While the Duke of Nuts appears to lack depth, one should never underestimate the wise knowledge of a Duke, even if he is a little…nuts (I apologize for my awful pun.) The Duke of Nuts reminds us that it’s okay to mess up every now and then, and that no matter how old you are you’re going to make mistakes.

“Sometimes you want someone and you want to kiss and be with them, but you can’t because responsibility demands sacrifice.” – Princess Bubblegum

life advice from Adventure Time love sacrafice


Playing into her part of being a good female protagonist, Princess Bubblegum is here to give advice about love and relationships. Though with an appearance pinker than Pepto Bismol and a name as sweet as ‘Princess Bubblegum’, what do you expect? But still, her words are truer than blue, or, um, pink in this case I suppose.

“Even if we like each other, we’re still going to hurt each other” – Flame Princess

life advice from Adventure Time flame princess


The sweet but aggressive princess puts words about love, platonic or not, in a sweet but aggressive way. The Flame Princess seems to be putting away her typical fiery sass (no pun intended) to share a loving and warm (pun completely intended) quote.

“The answer was too simple and I was too smart to see it” – Princess Bubblegum

life advice from Adventure Time too smart


We all have those moments where you think you lost something so you tear up your entire house to try and find it, just to find that it was sitting in an obvious place the entire time, and Princess Bubblegum is no exception. Just a friendly reminder that sometimes the answer isn’t as complicated as you think, and that sometimes you actually set your phone on your dresser, not underneath your dog’s bed like you might have thought.

“No one flicks me in the butt without my consent!” – Finn the Human

life advice from Adventure Time pinch the butt


And finally and probably the most importantly, good ole advice that definitely can be transferred to many real life situations…..Okay, maybe not many real life situations, but it still teaches an important lesson and reminds you to never let anyone flick your butt (in whatever sense you want to think of that as) without your permission! Adventure Time: Subtly teaching kids about the dangers of molestation since 2010!

Which advice was the most inspiring? Let us know in the comments!